Board of Education Approves “NO NIT” Policy
After careful consideration, the Hinton Board of Education deemed it necessary to approve a NO NIT Policy. This brings about a few changes in the procedures that will take place when lice/nits are detected. Please see the full policy below as listed in the Hinton Elementary handbook for 2022-2023. #COMETNATION
Head Lice
Hinton Public Schools has adopted a NO-NIT POLICY. Head lice checks will be done regularly at Hinton Schools. When nits or live lice are present, parents will be contacted immediately and required to pick up their child from school. Parents will need to treat the child’s hair at home. Information packets will be provided to parents explaining the process of treating and preventing head lice. Students will be readmitted when all nits and live lice have been removed. When returning to school the following school day, the student’s hair will be rechecked.
Educating your child(ren) about how lice are spread from one child to another may prevent infestation. Home head lice checks should be a part of routine personal hygiene and are recommended for early identification and treatment of lice.
If your child has nits or live lice, the following steps will be taken:
Parent(s) will be contacted immediately.
Parent(s) will be required to pick up their child(ren) to immediately begin treatment.
If live lice are present, the child may be removed from the classroom to await parent pickup. (As with any other contagious disease)
To help parents be aware of the presence of lice in their child’s classroom, a letter of notice will be provided to them.
The child’s hair should be clear of all nits and live lice BEFORE they return to school the following school day.
When your child returns to school the next day, a parent/guardian must come inside with your child while his/her hair is checked by a designated staff member.
If your child’s hair is clear of all nits and live lice, he/she will remain at school. If nits or live lice are still visible, he/she must return home for further treatment.