Any student that is entering the 8th-12th grade can click on the link below to enroll online.
almost 6 years ago, Jarrod Hohmann
The Hinton Board of Education Regular Meeting for this Monday May 20, 2019 has been Cancelled due to possible severe weather. The meeting has been re-schedule as a Special Board meeting for Wednesday May 22, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. located at the HS Library, 708 N. Broadway.
almost 6 years ago, Rosalie Paxton
A reminder that with the threat of severe weather tomorrow, the fire department or police department will make sure the dome is unlocked as a storm shelter. If you go to the dome for shelter, please make your way to one of the four locker rooms located on the east or west side of dome as these are the safest locations.
almost 6 years ago, Jarrod Hohmann
Please come join us today and help plan for the following year. The All Sports Booster Club meeting is today May 18th in the High School Library At 9:30 a.m. See you there.
almost 6 years ago, Kari Tucker
Congratulations to Mrs. Findley and Mrs. Glasscock on their retirement. You both will be greatly missed by your Comet family.
almost 6 years ago, Kari Tucker
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations to Kenlee Chenoweth, Ana Barillas, Brylane Turner, and Julia Nasuti for completing the Health Career Classes at Caddo Kiowa Career Tech.
almost 6 years ago, Jarrod Hohmann
Kenlee Chenoweth, Ana Barillas, Brylane Turner, and Julia Nasuti.
Hinton Elementary’s Mrs. Webster received a grant from PSO which she will put towards flexible seating in her classroom. Congrats!!☄️
almost 6 years ago, Paula New
Congratulations Mrs. Webster!
Congratulations to Mrs. Catlin. Hinton’s very own teacher of the year.☄️
almost 6 years ago, Kari Tucker
Mrs. Catlin
Thank you Fastlane (Sooners) for the drinks!!!
almost 6 years ago, Paula New
Our Pizza Pirate winners for the last 9 weeks! Second time winners for the most points goes to Ms. Grellner’s 1st grade class!
almost 6 years ago, Paula New
Pizza Pirate winners!!
Movie Day!!
almost 6 years ago, Paula New
Popcorn, pop, & comet cart are 50 cents!
Bouncy houses, face painting, lunch, chalk fun and Little Olympics all wrapped up in one!
almost 6 years ago, Paula New
More fun!
Comet Bash & Little Olympics fun! Thank to all who made it possible!
almost 6 years ago, Paula New
Fun filled day!
Parents here are a couple flyers for some upcoming camps, girls basketball and football. Forms can be printed off and are also available at the front offices of all the schools.
almost 6 years ago, Jarrod Hohmann
Football camp
Girls basketball camp
Senior graduation is tonight at 7:00 P.M. in the dome!
almost 6 years ago, Jarrod Hohmann
2019 Hinton FFA Banquet
almost 6 years ago, Hinton Public Schools
Mr. Justin Sam
Hinton Elementary is a K20 grant recipient! Big things are happening for our district!☄️
almost 6 years ago, Paula New
Pre-K treat day is tomorrow!
almost 6 years ago, Paula New
Treat Day!!
Date change for Little Olympics!
almost 6 years ago, Jarrod Hohmann
Little Olympics
Attention Senior Boys: this Thursday morning at 8:30, the men of the school board are going to have a breakfast in your honor. The breakfast will take place in a classroom at the high school. Please be at school Thursday morning and enjoy the breakfast provided the board!
almost 6 years ago, Jarrod Hohmann