The deadline for requesting absentee ballots for the November 14 election is coming up!

☄️Hinton Elementary ☄️More pictures from the visit to the Hinton Firestation

☄️Hinton Elementary ☄️Pre-K and Kindergarten Field Trip to Chester's Party Barn & Farm

☄️Hinton Elementary ☄️1st Grade field trip to P Bar Farms

☄️Hinton Elementary ☄️More pictures from the visit to the Hinton Firestation

☄️Hinton Elementary ☄️Our students visited the Hinton Fire Station on Friday, October 13 for the end of Fire Prevention Week (October 9-13). Thank you to our volunteer firefighters for letting our students come to the fire station!

☄️Hinton Middle School ☄️ Tomorrow is CrAzY Sock day! Remember to also bring a pair to donate to our Holiday Sock Drive! 🧦🧦

☄️Hinton Middle School ☄️ TOMORROW! Last day to buy your BOO Grams! You can also send to the high school and elementary buildings! 👻

PJ day tomorrow for the middle school! ☄️

🚌The Bridgeport bus is running late due to today’s heavy rains. It is stuck behind Thomason Medical Clinic. A tow truck is on the way. Students will be dropped off, just later than normal. Thank you for your understanding.

Officer Johnson and his drug dog, Rico, with the Hinton Police Department, came and spoke to our middle school and high school students to kick off Red Ribbon Week 2023!!

☄️Hinton Elementary ☄️

☄️Hinton Middle School☄️

Information regarding our upcoming Vocal Fall Program on Tuesday, November 14th for 4th, 5th and Honor Choir students! #CometPride☄️

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️Red Ribbon Week Activities for October 23-October 31

☄️Hinton Middle School ☄️ Mrs. Meriwether's 5th grade Math class made some very Peculiar Pumpkins! They had a budget to "buy" different parts to put on their pumpkins! Learning and crafting...what could be better!!!??

☄️Hinton Middle School☄️ Mrs.Bracks's 5th grade Science class has been studying biomes! Their biome projects turned out great!!

📷 Picture retake time 📷

Reminder: Parent Teacher Conferences are today and tomorrow from 3:30-6:30.

☄️Hinton Middle School ☄️ Last Friday we celebrated our kids that reached their AR goals for the 1st nine weeks! They got to enjoy a nice walk and a drink from ASAP! Missed a couple of groups but they had a great time!! Thanks to all the ASAP employees for being patient with us 🙂