☄️ Hinton Middle School☄️ Wrestlers had a great weekend!
🔥Rowdie Peck -104lb Yukon Girls Invitational JH/HS Champion
🔥Bryer Lenaburg 2nd place 170 JH at Hub tournament in Clinton
🔥 Maddix Walden- 2nd place 170 MS
🔥(Not pictured) BlakeLee Smith Girls 96 lbs champion
🔥 (Not pictured) Rhett Smith MS boys 72 lbs champion

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️We celebrated our students during Friday (1/24) morning assembly! The Marvin Reader winner was Mrs. Arrington's class, IXL Top class winner was Ms. McSparrin's class and Top Reflex Math winner was Mrs. Mooter's class. Korbyn Brown, Tinzley Cox, Sophia Leyva Puebla, Riah Jones, Carson Bryant, Aria Barthel, Barrett Moss, and Archie Gilliland joined the 25 AR points club. Ainsley Eminger joined the 50 AR points club. Congratulations to these students and teachers!

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️This year we are presenting Happy Mail for Groovy Behavior. These are the students and teachers that were presented with their Happy Mail on Friday (1/24). They each received a coin to get something off of the Comet Cart.

☄️Staff Spotlight☄️

THROWBACK THURSDAY! Enjoy these pictures of the graduating classes of Hinton High School from 1994-1996.

☄️Our District Teacher of the Year celebration was on Monday, January 21. Building Teachers of the Year are: Elementary-Christin Walker, Middle School-Sarah Harp and High School-Misty Meysing. The 24-25 District Teacher of the Year is Misty Meysing.
Congratulation to all 3 of these teachers!!☄️
Thank you to ASAP for donating a gift certificate for a meal for each of these teachers.

☄️Staff Spotlight☄️

Our faculty, staff, and administration spent their Professional Development day on Monday learning more about engaging all students. Dawn Duffy-Relf was the keynote speaker. Thank you to our cafeteria staff for providing us with breakfast to start the morning.
We would also like to thank Wheeler Chevrolet, Legacy Bank and Amanda Leigh Media for donating door prizes for our faculty and staff.

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️4th grade December student of the month: Ella Cheater, Mariana Lomeli-Fraire, Emmalyn Dye, Mesa Walden, Alivia Royal, Issac Graciano

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️3rd grade December student of the month: Tinzlee Thornton, Allen Morgan, Halsey Fontenot, Lily Garrison, Jacob Gather, Noah Cockrell

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️2nd grade December student of the month: Brynlee Dye, Riah Jones, Pierce Dougherty, Persephone Silva, Sophia Leyva Puebla; not pictured: Kierra Wardwell

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️T1/1st grade December student of the month: Baker Nulik, Stephany Gonzalez, Oaklee Baker, Hagen King, Alice Schimmel, David Gonzalez, Jazmin Badillo, Bryker Fontenot

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️Pre-K December student of the month: Azarella Smiley, Everly Morelock, Jared Gonzalez, Karsyn Brown, Camila Barillas; Not pictured: Declan Hathaway

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️Kindergarten December student of the month: Alyvia Smith, Daxton James, Noah Perez, Addilyn Hoff, Yaretzi Ortiz, Emma Marney

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️We celebrated our students who had perfect attendance for the 2nd 9 weeks on Friday (1/17) during morning assembly. Congratulations to these students!

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️We celebrated our students during Friday (1/17) morning assembly! The Marvin Reader winner was Ms. Christain's class, IXL Top class winner was Mrs. VanHuss' class and Top Reflex Math winner was Ms. McSparrin's class. Avery Ashley, Jacqueline Badillo, Aubrey Blair, Wyatt Cargill, Kyler Dudgeon, Kyra King, Allen Morgan, Wylie Nulik, Autumn Parker, Jeffrey Richards, Layton Romero, Bode Smith, Nora Sweany, Korbin Brown, Dwain Gather, Kit Guest, Zander Murray, Jerry Wood, Malachi Fuller, Bobby Glass and Stevie Loftis joined the 25 AR points club. Congratulations to these students and teachers!

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️ We have left over snacks from last week's treat day. We will be selling them tomorrow & Thursday for $1.00 each.
Comet Cart will be open on Friday.

Important Reminder: We are closed on Monday, January 20th for Professional Development for our Faculty and Staff.

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️These are the 3rd and 4th grade dribblers. They performed at half time of the High School girls game on last Tuesday's night game.