☄️Staff Spotlight☄️

Attention Middle School, High School, and Mr. Allen's Honor Choir:

☄️Attendance tip of the week☄️

☄️Veterans Day Program is tomorrow at 9am☄️

☄️Staff Spotlight☄️

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️This year we are presenting Happy Mail for Groovy Behavior. These are the students that were presented with their Happy Mail on Friday (11/8). They each received a coin to get something off of the Comet Cart.

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️We celebrated our students during Friday (11/8) morning assembly today! The Marvin Reader winner was Ms. Christain's class, IXL top class was Mrs. VanHuss' class and Top Reflex Math was Mrs. Barger's class. Congratulations to these students and teachers!

☄️Hinton Public Schools 24-25 Building Teacher of the Year☄️Elementary-Christin Walker, Middle School-Sarah Harp, High School-Misty Meysing. Congratulations, ladies!!

☄️Staff Spotlight☄️

THROWBACK THURSDAY! Enjoy these pictures of the graduating classes of Hinton High School from 1973-1975.

☄️The Fall Vocal Program for 4th & 5th grade and Honor Choir was last night. It was a great performance. Thank you to the students and Mr. Allen for all of your hard work.☄️

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️
We held a mock presidential election today where the students got a chance to get their voice heard.

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️
We held a mock presidential election today where the students got a chance to get their voice heard.

☄️ Hinton Middle School☄️October birthdays!! 🎂

☄️ Hinton Middle School☄️5th grade is studying Properties of Matter. Today, they determined the properties of a mystery substance.

☄️ Hinton Middle School☄️5th grade is studying Properties of Matter. Today, they determined the properties of a mystery substance.

☄️Veterans Day Program☄️

☄️Hinton Cafeteria is hiring☄️

☄️Staff Spotlight☄️

☄️Hinton Elementary☄️
The staff went on a duck hunt today. There were 100 mini ducks hidden throughout the school and the one who found the most by the end of the day won a prize. Congratulations to Mrs. Arrington! She found 30 ducks! 👏🏻👏🏻
Today's staff surprise dress up day was wear all black!