Congratulations to Saige Keeton for being selected as Class 2A All State Cheerleader! We are proud of you! Pictured are Saige Keeton, Head Coach Jennifer Hohmann, and representing Legacy Bank and the Kiwanis Club, Kaci Barrett.
JR/SR Prom
Junior ACT this Wednesday, April 7th @ 8:00 a.m.
Reminder: No school tomorrow, Friday, April 2. Have a wonderful Easter weekend.
Elementary Pick-up Lane Change for April 1
The Comet Baseball Players are selling windbreakers. Make sure you order yours before it’s to late. March 31st is the deadline for ordering. Please make your checks out to Hinton Public School. The windbreaker will be red with white lettering (HC). Order forms will be available at the front office of the High School, Middle School , and Elementary buildings. You can also contact Kari Tucker at 405-545-0667, if you have any questions. The Baseball Boys appreciate your support. Thank you!
6th grade students cashing in on their reward for bringing back signed progress reports for SIX WEEKS!!
These are now offered at the High School!
This is such an awesome opportunity! Let us know if you have any questions or need help contacting someone!
It’s Book Fair time! Elementary students can come shop IN PERSON starting this Thursday. Parents and families are welcome to shop ONLINE this year.
Parents and Students,
Let’s celebrate and show and our support! Let’s make Monday fun!
We are so proud to offer our Middle and High School students a large variety of options for lunch! Our cafeteria ladies work incredibly hard getting all of these things ready and prepared for our students each and every day.
Pick-up Lane changes for Vaccine Day March 9 & 10
Pre-K Enrollment Opens
Junior Class Parent Meeting
Hinton Parents, Staff, and Community Members,
Red Rock BHS is conducting outreach in the Caddo County area under the COVID-19 FEMA grant. This grant is for helping those that have been effected by the COVID-19 virus. Red Rock BHS help those who are having a difficult time recovering or finding resources such as food, clothing, utility assistance and counseling. Their services are for adults and children and are FREE OF CHARGE. Anyone who contacts one of the outreach counselors for services will remain confidential and information will be used for the recovery process of that person. Please see the attached flyers for more information. For any questions or concerns please contact:
Kevin Baker
FEMA Crisis Counselor
Red Rock BHS
Elementary Parents,
Spring pictures are going to be Friday, March 5. This will be individual and class group pictures. You will receive proofs to order from after pictures are taken. No money and/or packet is needed on Friday!
Elementary Read Across America Fun Days
Hinton Elementary Read Across America Week Fun Days March 1-5
Shown here is the 'Updated Quarantine Guidance for Individuals Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19' document sent by the Health Department. We hope you find this information helpful!