Thank you First National Bank for your generous donation! Hinton Public Schools received 500 KN95 face mask for our students. We appreciate you!
Yearbooks on Sale!!
Attention HS students: Please check your school email on a daily basis. This is one way that Mr. Hohmann, Mrs.Catlin and your class sponsors communicate with you.
Hinton Schools has learned Hiland Dairy has issued a recall of chocolate milk that may have been part of district food deliveries last week. The company said some products may contain food-grade sanitizers that could cause illnesses if consumed.
The product information is detailed below:
One-Half Pint Hiland Dairy 1% Low Fat Chocolate Milk
UPC: 72060-00156-3
Sell by Date: January 27, 2021
Plant Code: 4025
Please dispose of all products with this information!
Please see this KFOR-TV article for more information:
Dear Hinton Parents, Staff and Community Members:
The State Health Department will be using our Multi-purpose today, Friday, January 8th, to administer the COVID vaccine to eligible persons ages 65 and older. This does not include nor involve any faculty members or students at Hinton Public Schools. We are only providing the facility. The State Health Department will continue to use our facilities on Fridays as they continue the vaccine phases. For more information, you can visit the following website.
Mrs. Derryberry
The HHS Basketball Tournament Begins Tomorrow, Jan 7th. We Still Have A Few Entry Tickets Available For Pickup At The High School If You Would Like To Attend The Tournament.
Please see changes for the Elementary Pick-up Lane for Friday, Jan. 8th.
We are excited to share that students will be able to eat breakfast and lunch for FREE for the remainder of the school year!
If you have any questions, contact Christy White at
Parents and Students,
We will be returning to school tomorrow, Monday, January 4th! Classes will resume in-person on campus at regular times. Our school day is 8:00-3:15 and buses will run as usual. Masks will continue to be required.
Parents and Students,
We will be returning to school Monday, January 4th! Classes will resume in-person on campus at regular times. Our school day is 8:00-3:15 and buses will run as usual. Masks will continue to be required.
Parents and Students,
We are excited to be returning to school Monday, January 4th! Classes will resume in-person on campus at regular times. Our school day is 8:00-3:15 and buses will run as usual. Masks will continue to be required. We look forward to seeing our students Monday!
Pictured is the directions and route for food pickup at the cafeteria. Remember, pickup is from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. You will not need to exit your vehicle, as this is drive-thru only! Thank you!
We will have breakfast and lunch ready for pickup from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the drive-thru by the cafeteria. This is available for all Hinton students! If you live in Bridgeport or Cedar Lake, your lunches will be delivered at noon.
Attention Caddo Kiowa Career Tech Students:
Distance Learning Update
Hinton Elementary Christmas Spirit Days!
Covid/Quarantine Update
Pictured here is Mrs. Derryberry and our incredible lunch crew! These women work so hard every day cooking, preparing, serving, and delivering with smiles on their faces. We are so thankful for each of them and all of the hard work they put in to make every single day a successful one. These gifts of appreciation are the very least we can do to recognize and celebrate them. Thank you, ladies!!
Some of you are receiving a message in error that we are dismissing early today and are out tomorrow. This is NOT the case. All sites at Hinton Public Schools are in session all of today and all day tomorrow, Friday, November 20.
Parents did you know you can fill out a free/reduced lunch form anytime throughout the year? If your income has changed please reapply because your child may now be eligible. For more information or to get a application contact Christy White at or @ 405-542-3257 ext 407
3 Reasons to participate in school meals!
School meals are available at no cost to all kids 18 and under!
School meals are safe, nutritious and convenient!
Eating school meals helps support your school and community!