Hinton Parents & Students: Caddo Kiowa Tech Center will resume class with distance learning on April 6. For more information please visit their website or contact the instructor for your program. If you have any additional questions please send me an email at chasidy.catlin@hintonschools.org
almost 5 years ago, Chasidy Catlin
CKTC classes will resume With distance learning on April 6
Middle School Locker Pick Up Instructions Parents: When you come to pick up your child’s locker contents, it will be a drive up, pick up line. Please stay in your vehicle and someone will meet you at your car to get your child’s name. A teacher will then bring the bag of belongings out to you. From Broadway Street, all cars should turn west onto Park Street. This will closely mimic the elementary pick up line procedures. Remember, if your child has a lock on their locker, bring the key or combination with you. See schedule below. 7th Grade Wednesday, April 1st 9:00-1:00 6th Grade Thursday, April 2nd 9:00-1:00 5th Grade Friday, April 3rd 9:00-1:00
almost 5 years ago, Laci House
Attention parents and students: Wednesday Thursday  and Friday from 9-1 students/parents in 8-12 grade may come to school to get any personal items. They must buzz front door to be let in. CDC guideline will be followed in how many come in to collect items. If those times don’t work, parents can make appointments to get in by calling school 405 542325 or emailing jarrod.hohmann@hintonschools.org
almost 5 years ago, Chasidy Catlin
Attention Hinton Middle School Parents! Below you will see the schedule for pick up. When you arrive at the school, you will head to the main doors where a staff member will be waiting. They will ask for your child’s name, get the sack of your students belongings, and bring it to you at the door. If your child has a lock on their locker, be sure to bring the combination or key. If you have more than one child in the Middle School building, you may pick up all of their belongings at the same time. Wednesday, April 1 from 9am-1pm 7th grade pick up Thursday, April 2 from 9am-1pm 6th grade pick up Friday, April 3 from 9am-1pm 5th grade pick up
almost 5 years ago, Laci House
Attention Hinton Elementary Parents! If you have more than one child in the Elementary building, you will need to pick all their supplies up at the same time. You MUST use the pick up lane only. Please use the schedule below. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.
almost 5 years ago, Kari Tucker
Hinton 8th grade-senior students: it is not often that you can say that you are living through truly historic times. However, that is exactly where we are. I know so many of you are disappointed by what all has transpired. Not much can be said to help take away that disappointment, but in all that happens in our life, we must seek the lessons that God is trying to teach us. One important lesson that we can learn is to finish strong regardless of what life throws at us. We will start distance learning beginning April 6. Students, please login to your canvas account starting tomorrow, Thursday March 26, for important announcements on how we are going to finish the year. Parents and students, if you have any questions, you may call the school between 8-3 pm or you may send an email to jarrod.hohmann@hintonschools.org
almost 5 years ago, Jarrod Hohmann
Starting April 6, the Hinton Public Schools will begin DISTANCE LEARNING. Distance Learning is learning set forth by the school that could be packets provided by your teacher and/or on-line learning directed by your teacher. Your child's teacher(s) or principal will be reaching out to you next week in order that you know what the time and type of learning will look like for your school age children. More information will be sent out soon. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Hinton Public Schools
Hinton Elementary Students be looking for your teachers starting Thursday at 1:00. We miss you!
almost 5 years ago, Kari Tucker
We know there is much disappointment and uncertainty at this time. Please understand that our local school administration is meeting daily. The state school board will make a decision Wednesday regarding the remainder of the school year. While we cannot guarantee that activities such as sports, prom, banquets, and the Spring Festival will take place this year, we feel it is vital to recognize the milestone achievement of our Seniors. We are determined to find a way to give them the proper recognition they deserve as graduates of Hinton High School. How or when this will occur is to be determined.
almost 5 years ago, Jarrod Hohmann
Elementary and Middle School Parents, If your child has medication(s) at the school, please make arrangements to pick them up Monday, March 23, between 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. You will go to the main entrance of your child’s school and the secretary will assist you from there. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Kayla Watkins
HINTON SCHOOLS Questions with Answers Does everyone still get paid during these extra days out of school? Yes, All teachers and support staff will remain getting paid. Will we have to make up days missed? According to OSSBA’s email on 3/16-2020 to Mrs. Derryberry, No, not at this time. Will we still have state testing? At this time, the answer to this is uncertain. State Superintendent Joy Hofmiester will be letting us know soon. Who will be working at school during this closure? Our district is closed to non-essential personnel. Essential personnel are those needed to attend to business and perform daily needs such as handing out meals and upkeep on buildings and grounds as needed. The essential personnel will change often. During spring break the janitors have worked to disinfect the entire district as well as all areas are being sprayed with the 360 machine. All athletic facilities are closed and are not to be used by any student or adult. Will we need to set up online course work to continue educating our students? Not at this time, but could possibly do so if the state directs us to add more closed days after April 6. Will we still have prom? Prom was pushed back to April 18 earlier in the year, therefore, the answer to this is it will remain April 18, unless the state directs us to add more closed days after April 6. When will we get to continue on with our athletic schedule? Regular schedule will resume on April 6 unless the state directs us to add more closed days. Who will need to come handout and deliver the meals for our students? At this time, Mrs. Derryberry is working with the Keystone Area Manager, the principals and Child Nutrition Directors. In keeping with the CDC guidelines, it is best to limit the numbers of volunteers. At this time, no more help is needed. Yet prayers are always appreciated. What about Spring Festival? We will still have the Spring Festival on Friday, May 1 at 7:00 P.M., unless the state directs us to add more closed days after April 6. Will we be having end of the year field trips? This really can’t be determined at this time. Will we be having the end of the year banquets? This really can’t be determined at this time. There are many unanswered questions that still can’t be answered for some time. Tomorrow, Superintendent Hofmiester will have a phone conference once again with the superintendents across the state. We will continue to keep you informed. Please stay safe and healthy. Mrs. Derryberry
almost 5 years ago, Hinton Public Schools
Please click on the following link to see highlighted changes/updates. https://5il.co/dy4u
almost 5 years ago, Hinton Public Schools
CHANGES/UPDATES 3/19/20 HIGHLIGHTED Hinton Schools will provide FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH for students ages 18 and under beginning March 23rd through at least April 6th. (Monday-Friday). The meals will be handed out “drive-thru” style. Please follow the directions below and do not get out of your vehicle. We appreciate all the calls and text from everyone wanting to help but, at this time all areas are covered by the school and Keystone Food Services. Please know the times are subject to change. We will put out a notification if any changes are made. The school and food service company is using the CDC Guidelines to insure safe and healthy meals are served. Pick up time and location: BREAKFAST Monday Only 7:30 A.M.- 9:00 A.M. - Pick up in the drive behind the cafeteria (See map below). Monday Only 8:00 A.M. Cedar Lake Gate/Hinton Schools Red Van (Mr. Hohmann) LUNCH and BREAKFAST M-F 11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. - Pick up in the drive behind the cafeteria (See map below). M-F 12:00 P.M. Cedar Lake Gate/Hinton Schools Red Van (Mr. Hohmann) M-F You will receive the next morning breakfast with your lunch pick-up. Beginning Tuesday, March 24th, there will only be one time each day for pick-up. M-F 11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. - Drive thru line behind cafeteria M-F 8:00 A.M. Cedar Lake Gate/Hinton Schools Red Van (Mr. Hohmann)
almost 5 years ago, Hinton Public Schools
Drive-thru pick up
Hinton Schools will provide FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH for students ages 18 and under beginning March 23rd thru at least April 6th. (Monday-Friday). The meals will be handed out “drive-thru” style. Please follow the directions below and do not get out of your vehicle. We appreciate all the calls and text from everyone wanting to help but, at this time all areas are covered by the school and Keystone Food Services. Please know the times are subject to change. We will put out a notification if any changes are made. The school and food service company is using the CDC Guidelines to insure safe and healthy meals are served. Pick up time and location: BREAKFAST M-F 7:30 A.M.- 9:00 A.M. - Pick up in the drive behind the cafeteria (See map below). M-F 8:00 A.M. Cedar Lake Gate/Hinton Schools Red Van (Mr. Hohmann) LUNCH M-F 11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. - Pick up in the drive behind the cafeteria (See map below). M-F 12:00 P.M. Cedar Lake Gate/Hinton Schools Red Van (Mr. Hohmann)
almost 5 years ago, Hinton Public Schools
HPS Drive-thru Map
All schools in the state of Oklahoma will be closed until April 6th due to the Coronavirus/COVID 19. We are currently making plans to provide food for our students beginning Monday, March 23rd. As we get our food distribution plans organized, another message will follow. Thank you for your patience. Mrs. Derryberry
almost 5 years ago, Hinton Public Schools
Our reading goal for the 3rd nine weeks was 18,000 books. Our kids ended up reading 20,475 books! We are so proud of them! ☄️
almost 5 years ago, Lauren Crick
3rd 9 weeks
These kids were our winners for guessing how many items were in these containers! The “Estimation Station” was part of our Read Across America Week with Dr. Seuss.
almost 5 years ago, Lauren Crick
Dr. Seuss winners
The Regional Food Bank Backpack Program at Hinton Public Schools sent home food for students in the program to have during spring break. If the need arises we will hand out food at a later date.
almost 5 years ago, Tammy Taylor
Attention Parents
almost 5 years ago, Kari Tucker
Mrs. Derryberry going FACEBOOK LIVE at 2:30 P.M. All Parents and Community please tune in!
almost 5 years ago, Hinton Public Schools